
Thursday, January 10, 2013



The Plot Thickens... Every action triggers crucial questions

For those of you who read this for the first time; I am an internet dinosaur now trying to establish if I will be able to sell something on the internet via any auction site. I will never post any direct links to my auctions in this blog as it is not meant to make me money but to share a bit of insight. If you find that valuable that is the biggest pay off for me!

Yesterday my accounts on both and the local website got activated. On both sites I listed some items to see what happens. What has happened? Nothing really, watching paint dry is more exciting than my first steps as an internet seller... Hold don't stop reading I haven't finished.

What I noticed is that most sites will offer you, against a modest fee, enhancements that will make your auction item easier noticed by the shopping crowd. Of course I refuse to pay anything additional and try it the gold old fashioned way, by the Bootstraps (yes my new motto in life)

The interesting thing I realized is that for the first time in my life I approach a product from a Sales point of view (for all you adult website maniacs yes you can abbreviate it too: POV) and not from a consumer point of view. If I project my listings in current shopping mall, I have my little shop with hundreds of people passing by, some of them taking a peek, most of them not interested as they are looking for a different product. Why look at the cigar store if you are looking for a smoked salmon.
Mmm it has made me realize that visibility and targeting is probably the most important thing to get a consumer's attention, nothing new but again; Selling presents a different perspective than buying and I am just realizing that NOW! God it feels good to be alive!

The question I ask myself is how do I get people to notice my products, buy them and return in the future.
If I look at the products I have on listing; an old watch, slightly overpriced if I am honest. Two new leather bags.
The used old watch will sooner or later be sold if I only drop the price, which I could do but that would ruin my experiment
The two leather bags are on offer for 14 days at "buy-it-now" rates and will most likely sell.

What do I have to offer to a potential buyer?
The only thing I can offer them is real quality against a, I think, fair price. I will respond to all their queries and ship according to the terms and notify them accordingly.
Now that I am reading the above, it makes me realize I have nothing "special" going for my little venture! Just  a sound correct business moral

What does my potential buyer see?

My entire history on the auction site (which is rated by the entities you do business with) is not even above 10, so no detailed feedback available for any potential customer only that all is a "100% positive" and that I am only recently active and only accept Paypal or PayU. I am prepared to return default product etc. Again sound correct business moral

Secondly I have no special focus market or some product or segment I am concentrating on. Anything will do at this stage. As I wrote earlier in one of my blog, given the size of the internet and the availability of product that will be a challenge to master it all.

What impression does my venture make on possible first time buyer?

New guy, not much product, no specialization, small fish. All of it is true, still no reason not buy the watch or a bag for yourself! Hence granting me my first sale! :)

Last and not least I have to come to an early conclusion that my enthusiasm itself is not enough, I have to really think, come up with a plan or goal. After that I will have to make decisions into what direction I will steer my interests.

Thanks for taking the time to read today's contribution, if you are really interested how it all will develop subscribe to my blog or "Google plus" it :)

Till the next blog!

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