
About Me

My Story
A year back I lost my job, with too much time on my hands I decided to start reading about ecommerce and got drawn into the rise of mobile devices.
After a few weeks I started a blog on blogger. Whilst having no real idea how to blog I quickly learned the basics and discovered a completely new world; Internet, devices, platforms, marketing techniques and rapidly changing trends. Having landed a job in April that year I tried to keep up blogging, but work simply was too time consuming, or my time management was severly lacking.
Nonetheless I did take in the modest lessons learned and am now started my own site.
What do I want to achieve with my blog?
My short term goal is to have you read my blog and hope that you will actively participate with your own insights on the topics I present.  Long term I aim to make it my profession.
About this Blog:
I'll blog about the latest trends and topics related to  (mobile) devices, e-commerce, (device) security threats, the rise of the  Internet of Things/Everything and other unexpected twists of events.
However remember it is all about Devices!

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