
Monday, March 4, 2013



5 Basics Principles To Enter M-Commerce

If you have been reading my blog, you know of the fast learning curve I was and still am going through. From "E-Commerce Virgin" to M-Commerce Fan in 90 days. 
All jokes aside. I have now aquired my own webdomains, going through SEO, affiliate marketing (what a lot of garbage in that section), Analysis etc. 
Suddenly I realized that by doing so I almost overlooked my check-list of basics I put together a couple of weeks ago. 

Because you insist I'll share them with you

5 Basics to enter M-Commerce:

1. Develop a core business vision and strategy.

2. Rethink your customer experience, gather feedback.

3. Design and develop dedicated to mobile only.

4. Respond to technology changes and innovations.

5. Security is critical and directly impacts!

Please leave your ideas, tips and feedback! 

Thanks for reading :)


  1. The concept of developing a core business vision and strategy too often leads to a non-relevant solution. Vision and strategy come after finding out if there is a problem that needs to be solved. How many people have a problem paying with cash or a credit card at a POS? Paying with a smartphone is not faster or more secure than plastic, so why have vendors invested billions in promoting NFC QR code for m-commerce. Forget about vision. Vision is blind if what you are offering is no better than what is already available. I am all for m-commerce, but it needs to solve some real problems: fraud, identity theft, reduced interchange and chargeback fees. It needs to make e-commerce easier and most important safer but does it really do that?

    1. @Anoymous: Thank you for your comment! Good point, although I believe that a vision, strategy or business plan are key to success. Payment processing, additional charging and security are major issues going forward. As a M-Commerce business you want ensure you offer something that is safe, fast and user-friendly. that will be the challenge and promise that M-commerce has to fullfil!

    2. I don't agree with the first comment. Since I have my smartphone I don't have to bring plastic, so it is more convenient. Plus plastic payment is just as unsafe as the QR.
